1. Project Planning & Control

Well defined planning is an essential pre-requisite for the monitoring and control of successful of a projects. However, due to various situations due to resource and scope clarity, this may not be achieved fully in first place. More over ,this may lead to in effective monitoring of the project which can lead to wrong decision making.

Pragmaticplans can provide Planning & scheduling services in a professional way to enhance your planning project management team. Assistance and additional inputs can be given as and when required thought the life cycle of the project.

We recognize that key factors involved in the successful project plan include the tools used for planning and scheduling, process and procedures of these tools usage, capabilities of the teams who uses it and context of the stakeholders.

Our own unique expertize can provide time and resource KPI for a construction works, which enable us to plan as well as verify any complex project plans on its feasibility.

Project WBS are set up in such way to easily relate the cost ,quality and progress of the project during execution stage.

Importance of planning

Effective planning & scheduling is the core of any project control system. With sophisticated software and tools, it can be ensured that complex projects are delivered as per the project objectives. Project plan is the predominant measure with which to monitor project performance and are becoming increasingly important from contractual point.

The challenge

Mostly there is a notion that the project plan submitted is not planned properly, resourced and updated accurately due to sufficient resource. Progress information mentioned are not verifiable and reliable to take corrective actions. Inaccurate baseline and updates can generate barriers to the timely and cost efficient project delivery. In addition to that, this can lead issues while attempting to resolve claims for delay disruptions and associated costs.

The solution

As a solution to the challenge, pragmatic plans can establish reliable project plans and schedules using their 30+ years team expert service in the construction industry. Our team uses competent planning software and tools as per the context.

Our value addition

a)Auditng the plan & schedule

Ensure accuracy on contract. Review the master baseline schedule and its updates on contractual point of view.

b)Plan development

WBS development,quantify the scope of works by trade and estimate the durations based on industry standards and estimate the associated Manhours requirement. Establish an optimum construction method with the project team. Gather the deliverables from various stakeholders involved.

b)Schedule development

Prepare logically linked network of activities in software to reflect the intended construction methodology along with deliverables. Programme will generate critical path through the critical path method (CPM). This will act as a dynamic tool to do the forecast finish date.

c)Progress Monitoring System

Implement progress monitoring service(PMS) system in line with baseline schedule. Best industry practice shall be used to track the project progress. Regular updates shall be made on the progress system.

d)Schedule updates

Regular updates of the schedule shall be done with the gathered progress from project team.

e)Project forecasting

Project forecast shall be done based on schedule update, progress projection, probability and quantitatively to get all scenarios.

f)Recovery plans & schedules

Depending on the project status, recovery plans and schedules shall be developed to maintain the contractual obligation of the project.

g)Change management

Changes generated in the project scope shall be administered in a transparent way and potential changes impact shall be assessed both on critical path as well as critical mass.

h)Risk assessments

Risk assessment of the schedule shall be done upon baseline preparation and a risk register shall be established. Risk register shall be updated regularly showing the latest status in the project.

i)Project Reporting

Project reports shall be issued regularly highlighting the status of the project along with areas of concerns to be addressed on the cut off date.