“Pragma Plans” consists of a group of industry experts to  provide proactive solutions to the clients to reach the objectives
“Pragma Plans” defines some novel approach to  the new generation quantitative planning techniques   evolved as a proven solution to the competitive markets.
Send us your requirements in few words at info@pragmaticplans.com, Our specialist will contact you within 24 hours for further discussions.


The Goal

The goals of pragma plans are to spread out the well tested practical approach of new generation quantitative planning method to the industries for better management and sustainability in the competitive market.

What is Pragma  Plans?

Pragma Plans® fosters the new generation planning technique evolved out from the practical experience of the seasoned industry professionals. This process ensures organizations to be sustainable in the competitive market situations by controlling the project key objectives.

Pragma Plans® best suited  for construction projects by allocating individual discipline leads to accountable for the completion of the quantum of works within a specified time period safely. This method is an enhanced version of traditional planning approach by incorporating physical quantities.


  1. Tracking quantitatively creates a new culture in the organization and leave less ambiguity with clients and sub contractors on communications.
  2. Saves the budgets through less contractual claims and litigation with the clarity in quantitative approach.
  3. This method offers a flexible and clear visibility for the working professional as well as for senior management.
  4. Each discipline leads in an organization can be enforced  with quantitative time target within the budget and quality standards safely.
  5. Acceptance of quantitative methods are easily understood from the working professionals to the Senior Managements.
  6. EPCI environment  have special dimension on the engineering and procurement for the quantitative execution.